Selingan Turtle Island

Join our exclusive tour to Selingan Turtle Island, where you'll delve into the fascinating world of turtles. This sanctuary provides a safe haven for these majestic creatures. Surrounded by crystal-clear waters, Selingan Turtle Island promises a one-of-a-kind, hands-on adventure suitable for the whole family.


Discover a Sanctuary for Endangered Turtles:

Selingan Turtle Island, the largest among the Turtle Islands, is a haven for the green and hawksbill turtles. Both species are currently endangered, but this island serves as a place for them to safely lay their eggs. It also provides comfortable tourist accommodations and basic facilities.


Daytime Adventures and Evening Delights:

During the day, visitors are free to indulge in beach activities, scuba diving, snorkeling, and leisurely walks. Don't miss the chance to witness a breathtaking sunset if you're lucky! Explore the park's exhibition hall and enjoy captivating video presentations during the night.


An Unforgettable Nighttime Experience:

To witness the magical moment when turtles come ashore to lay their eggs, consider staying overnight. Turtle landings typically occur after dusk, and visitors are welcome to follow the rangers to witness this awe-inspiring sight. Remember to avoid shining lights or using camera flashes to minimize stress for the turtles. Afterward, watch as the rangers collect the eggs and bring them to the hatchery for safekeeping.


Best Time to Visit:

While turtles lay their eggs year-round, the best time to visit Selingan is between July and October when the sea is calmer. Aside from observing the collection of eggs and the tagging of mother turtles, you'll also have the incredible opportunity to witness the release of baby turtles into the sea!


Plan Your Adventure to Selingan Turtle Island Today! 


Cover image via Stanley Kalvan / Shutterstock.

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