Nyepi - The Silence Day

All You Need to Know

Balinese Hindus uniquely celebrate their new year's day; with no party, no music, or dancing. In fact, no activities at all during their new year, which is called 'Nyepi', literally translated as 'Preserving Silence' Everyone spends their day observing the TAPA (Silence / going nowhere), BRATA (No fire, food, and drink) and SEMADI (meditating and self-reflection). Balinese Hindu concentrate on purifying the soul from evil spirits and reflect their mistakes from the past year.

The day prior the Nyepi is called 'Ngerupuk', the great sacrificial ceremony held all over the island to exorcise the evil spirits. On the evening of 10 March 2024 (Ngerupuk Day), people make noises by banging gongs, cymbals, and other noisemakers followed by carrying a torch. Effigies named ‘Ogoh-Ogoh' are carried by the village youngsters marching through the street depicting scary beings is also a great spectacle to witness during this day.

Since 2018, local internet and telecommunication providers have also agreed to cut their services to Bali during the 24 hours celebration in respect to the local customs and traditions. Visitors should expect some disruption to their connectivity during this time.

Due to the circumstances, there will be no transportation (airport transfer, hotel transfer, tours, and no representative services or client meetings at the hotel).

On this day the Balinese Hindus do 4 prohibitions, they are:

Beaches, public facilities, roads, and airports are closed. Expect limited or no internet access.

To respect and honor this celebration, the local government will restrict the following:

29 March 2025 - Nyepi Day (Silence Day) in Bali and please find our office operating hours as follows:

28 March 2025 (Friday)

08.00 AM - 12:00 (Half day)


  • Morning Tours (operate normally)
  • Afternoon & Evening tours (NOT Operate)
  • TRANSFER: Operate normally

29 March 2025 (Sat) 


30 March 2025 (Week) 

Operation (Operating as normal)


  • Morning Tours (NOT operate)
  • Afternoon & Evening tours (Operate normally)
  • TRANSFER: Operate normally

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